Annual Club Competition Day 1 – Chorley Leads!

Chorley PS use German tourist tactics to secure the best seats!

Chorley PS use German tourist tactics to secure the best seats!

Today was the first day of the Annual Club Print & Projected Image Competition 2016. By the end of day, Chorley Photographic Society were at the top of the table, leading rival club Wigan 10 by 12 points. Chorley have 323 points, with Wigan 10 on 311, and Alsager CC on 288.

Chorley began the day with a covert operation to secure the best seats, placing their scarves on them, before retiring to the cafe until the hall was officially opened!

Gordon Jenkins gets front cover of latest issue of PAGB News!!!

Lady with Goose - Gordon-Jenkins

Lady with Goose – Gordon-Jenkins

Former L&CPU President Gordon Jenkins took the Best Portrait Individual Award in the 2016 GB Open Cup last week, and his photo subsequently was chosen for the front cover of e-news – the newsletter of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain issued today.

We’d have liked to include a quote from Gordon, but he’s currently somewhere in South America – a favourite haunt of L&CPU treasurers, I’m told. 😉

Information on the APMs

The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) run an awards scheme called the Awards for Photographic Merit for sets of single images and for Audio Visual presentations. The Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) are open to all members of Clubs affiliated to…

AGM – Calling notice and Nomination form

LCPU logo

The 110th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ‘Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union’ will take place on Sunday 26th February 2016 at 2:30 pm at Albany Science College, Bolton Road, Chorley, PR7 3AY

The following documents are now available for download:

Further documents will be released shortly.

A few dates for your diary!

John Smith - President of the L&CPU

John Smith – President of the L&CPU

Firstly can I inform you of an important event taking place in our region.

The Opening of the Sony PAGB Print Exhibition – featuring the best photographic prints from club photographers all over Great Britain and Northern Ireland will take place at 2pm in the Williamson Art Gallery, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH43 4UE on Saturday 12th December.