Author: Editor

L&CPU Print Folios 2020/21

Following a discussion regarding the ongoing Covid situation, it has been decided by the executive committee that the L&CPU Print Folios will not be circulated for the period 2020-21.  This is because of concerns with the ongoing Covid 19 situation,…

Annual Individuals Competition 2020

The 2020 Individuals Competition was held on Saturday 4th July 2020. It was run as an online event due to the current situation with the virus outbreak leading to meetings being cancelled to stop the spread of infection.

Stephen Riley – RIP

Announcement from the Committee of Preston Photographic Society It is with great shock and sadness that Preston Photographic Society has to announce the untimely and sudden passing of its president Stephen Riley. Stephen was loved and admired by everyone who…

Funeral Arrangements – Bob Robinson

BOB ROBINSONPRESIDENT, LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE PHOTOGRAPHIC UNIONFuneral Arrangements Bob’s funeral will be held on Thursday 11th June, 10am. The venue is Howe Bridge Crematorium, off Lovers Lane, Atherton. M46 0PZ. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, family only will be at…

L&CPU Corona 19 Update

The L&CPU Individual competition has been cancelled for this current year, much to the disappointment of both the Executive and clubs.

Print folios suspended

Today, Folio Secretary Keith Richardson suspended the print folios due to the number of clubs that have now closed down for the rest of the 2019/20 season because of the coronavirus threat. The committee are now discussing the viability of…

Coronavirus and Awards for Photographic Merit

No final decision has yet been made about the Adjudication scheduled in Bromsgrove on 25/26 April 2020.  We are following the situation carefully and a decision will be made before the end of this month.  Applicants should continue to enter…

Coronavirus and clubs

We’ve been asked if we are going to publish any guidance on coronavirus, and at this point in time, the answer is ‘no’. The L&CPU Exec are no experts when it comes to viruses, and are following government advice which…

Annual Club Competition Print Results

Yesterday, the Annual Club Competition Print section was judged at Culcheth High School. The results tables are published below. The Colour Open was judged first, and Wigan 10 took the section to lead Chorley by eight points. Warrington PS were…