PAGB Inter-Federation Competition 2017 Results

Cheetah with Family, by Ian Whiston

Cheetah with Family, by Ian Whiston – Gold Medal Winner

Results from PAGB Inter-Federation Competition held this weekend at Pontefract. Judges were Anne Greiner, Howard Tate and Dave Gibbins.

Nature PDI

1stLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union190
2ndNEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation183
3rdSPF - Scottish Photographic Federation182
4thEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies179
5thCACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs177
=WCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation177
7thMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation174
8thSCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation173
9thWPF - Welsh Photographic Federation172
=YPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union172
11thSPA - Surrey Photographic Association171
12thNCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation167
=KCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association167
14thNIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association159
15thNWPA - North Wales Photographic Association147

Nature PDI Awards

1. GoldIan Whiston DPAGBCheetah with FamilyLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
2. Silver-Judge AwardRichard O MearaShoal of Spawning Rudder FishLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
2. Silver-Judge AwardMike Hudson CPAGBMating ToadsLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
2. Silver-Judge AwardPeter JonesSedge WarblerCACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs
3. BronzeRobert Macdonald DPAGBBuffalo Silhouettes At SundownEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies
3. BronzeAndy CawsChasing ElephantsEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies
3. BronzeCaroline Tillett BPE 1Brown Hare LopingEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies
3. BronzeGordon Rae MPAGBBrown Bear Fight AlaskaSPF - Scottish Photographic Federation
3. BronzePhil MorganPine Marten Martes MartesWPF - Welsh Photographic Federation
Mating Toads, by Mike Hudson

Mating Toads, by Mike Hudson – Judges Medal Winner

Open PDI

1stLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union185
2ndNEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation183
3rdEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies182
=MCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation182
5thYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union178
6thWPF - Welsh Photographic Federation176
7thSPF - Scottish Photographic Federation174
8thNIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association172
9thWCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation171
10thSCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation166
11thSPA - Surrey Photographic Association164
=CACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs164
13thNWPA - North Wales Photographic Association163
=KCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association163
15thNCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation158
Sarah, by Terry Donnelly

Sarah, by Terry Donnelly – Bronze Medal

Open PDI Awards

1. GoldAndrea Hargreaves EFIAP DPAGB BPE2 PSA4Ride of the ValkyrieYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union
2. SilverRay Brammall ARPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGBThe LookYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union
2. SilverAlan JenkinsonBleak GrazersWPF - Welsh Photographic Federation
2. SilverTom LanglandsArctic Tern Over LuskentyreSPF - Scottish Photographic Federation
3. BronzeTrish WilcoxThe White RoomEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies
3. BronzePaul Smith BPE3A Winters Morning In Constable CountryEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies
3. BronzeBob Given DPAGB EPSA AFIAP BPE4AmberNIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association
3. BronzeJon MeeHighland WinterNEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation
3. BronzeTerry Donnelly MPAGB FBPE FRPS EFIAPDentist RabbitLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
3. BronzeTerry Donnelly MPAGB FBPE FRPS EFIAPSarahLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
Dentist Rabbit, by Terry Donnelly

Dentist Rabbit, by Terry Donnelly – Bronze Medal

Mono Prints

1stMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation188
2ndLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union182
3rdYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union180
4thNIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association178
5thSPF - Scottish Photographic Federation177
6thNEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation176
7thEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies174
=SCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation174
=WCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation174
10thWPF - Welsh Photographic Federation173
11thNCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation171
12thNWPA - North Wales Photographic Association169
13thCACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs167
14thKCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association166
15thSPA - Surrey Photographic Association160
Dynamic Landing, by Terry Donnelly

Dynamic Landing, by Terry Donnelly – Gold Medal

Mono Print Awards

1 Overall WinnerTerry Donnelly MPAGB FBPE FRPS EFIAPDynamic LandingLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
2 Judges Choice - 1David Byrne MPAGB EFIAP BPE3Sacrifices MadeMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation
2 Judges Choice - 2Barry OddiePhil and BondYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union
2 Judges Choice - 3Paul Hassell MPAGBAlberts JourneyMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation
3 PAGB RibbonTim Nicholson LRPSThe Lonely TravelerYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union
3 PAGB RibbonDiane Owen FRPSJust ThreeLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
3 PAGB RibbonDavid KeepTHe CornerNEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation
3 PAGB RibbonChrissie Westgate FRPSGirl With Water Pot - KolkataEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies
3 PAGB RibbonDave Bolton AWPF AFIAPThe OrphanageWPF - Welsh Photographic Federation
3 PAGB RibbonDavid KeepHero WorshipNEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation
Just Three, by Diane Owen

Just Three, by Diane Owen – Bronze Medal

Colour Prints

1stMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation189
2ndLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union185
3rdNEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation177
4thSCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation176
5thNIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association175
6thYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union173
7thEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies172
8thSPF - Scottish Photographic Federation171
9thWPF - Welsh Photographic Federation169
10thSPA - Surrey Photographic Association167
11thNCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation165
12thKCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association164
=WCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation164
14thCACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs162
15thNWPA - North Wales Photographic Association159


Luna and her cat, by Jane Lines

Luna and her cat, by Jane Lines – Judges Medal

Colour Print Awards

1. Overall WinnerDavid Giffin DPAGB FBPERaven QueenEAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies
2. Judges Choice - 1Jane Lines MPAGB LRPS BPE5Luna and Her CatLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
2. Judges Choice - 2Ralph Duckett MPAGB EFIAP APAGBGolden BeautyMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation
2. Judges Choice - 3Adrian Lines MPAGB FBPERampageLCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union
3. PAGB RibbonPatrick HickeyMy HatMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation
3. PAGB RibbonLes Beardmore CPAGB BPE3Great Crested Grebe Feeding YoungMCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation
3. PAGB RibbonAndrea Hargreaves EFIAP DPAGB BPE2 PSA4Freyja First of The ValkyrieYPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union
3. PAGB RibbonMarcin Ciesielski EFIAPCocoSCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation

Congratulations to all those who won awards, and thanks to all the photographers whose work represented the L&CPU in this competition.

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