GB Trophies (Prints) 2017

The GB Trophies for Prints are held each November. Every Club may enter directly, without any pre-qualification. Clubs may enter the Open Trophy, and may also enter the Nature Trophy. Awards are made to the winning Clubs. A number of awards are declared for individual images. A significant selection of prints are placed in albums for display at PAGB events.

Read more on the PAGB web site.

Wilkinson’s Digital Splash 17 – The Biggest Photography & Optics Show in the North!

Digital Splash 17 is back at Exhibition Centre Liverpool for 2017. We’ve taken the best bits of Digital Splash 16 and made them even better! Whether you’re a professional, enthusiast or beginner photographer, aspiring videographer, astronomer or even bird watcher, you can see the latest equipment, get expert advice, be inspired by the professionals in the Digital Splash Theatres, try our hands-on workshops or grab a bargain or two with our show special offers!



7th | 8th October 2017 – 10am – 6pm – Exhibition Centre Liverpool

Annual Individual Competition Results!

Judges - 2017 Annual Individual Competition

Judges – 2017 Annual Individual Competition.  (l-r) Leo Rich, Duncan Hill, Jim Marsden – holding winning prints from Phil Barber and Terry Donnelly.


Last weekend, the L&CPU Annual Individual Competition was held at a school in Lowton. Winner of the top award of Photographer of the Year goes to Philip Barber MPAGB BPE5, and the L&CPU Exec congratulate him on his win.

Runners up were two relative unknowns – Adrian Lines MPAGB FBPE ARPS and Christine Widdall MPAGB EFIAP FBPE!

The competition was judged by Leo Rich APAGB, EFIAP/g, ARPS, Duncan Hill MPAGB, EFIAP and Jim Marsden FRPS, APAGB, EFIAP.

Chorley lad becomes President of the PAGB!

Gordon Jenkins - President of the PAGB

Gordon Jenkins – President of the PAGB

Chorley Photographic Society member and former President of the L&CPU Gordon Jenkins became President of the PAGB at its AGM on Saturday 8th of April

‘I am sure that everyone in the L&CPU along with other federations within the PAGB would like to join with me in extending our congratulations and best wishes to Gordon Jenkins ,from the L&CPU ,in his term as the President of the PAGB.’ said Garth Tighe, current President of the L&CPU.

You can see Gordon’s first few minutes in office in the video below.