Congratulations to the following L&CPU candidates who were successful in the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) at Gateshead on 23rd and 24th April 2016:
Category: PAGB
PAGB call for entries for the 2016 FIAP Mono Print Biennial Comp
The PAGB will be carrying out a selection process to determine our entry into the FIAP 2016 Monochrome Print Biennial Competition.
This is a themed entry of 10 Images, with no more than one print per
author. As well as selecting from images provided to FIAP as part of Distinction submissions, we would like to invite photographers to submit their best images on a theme.
Gordon Jenkins gets front cover of latest issue of PAGB News!!!

Lady with Goose – Gordon-Jenkins
Former L&CPU President Gordon Jenkins took the Best Portrait Individual Award in the 2016 GB Open Cup last week, and his photo subsequently was chosen for the front cover of e-news – the newsletter of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain issued today.
We’d have liked to include a quote from Gordon, but he’s currently somewhere in South America – a favourite haunt of L&CPU treasurers, I’m told. 😉
Information on the APMs
The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) run an awards scheme called the Awards for Photographic Merit for sets of single images and for Audio Visual presentations. The Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) are open to all members of Clubs affiliated to…