Category: News and Events

PAGB Award for Meritorious Service

At the PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship at Blackburn on Sunday 28th October. Phil and Gwen Charnock were both presented with APAGB award by Roger Parry, the PAGB Vice President. The Award for Meritorious Service was instituted in 1984 to recognise…

Damian Demolder at Warrington PS

Warrington PS is welcoming Damien Demoulder on Tuesday 24th September who will be presenting his lecture: Street Photography: Light and Life on the Streets In this heavily illustrated talk Damien will explain his approach to street photography, and how he…

RPS Digital Imaging Group

The next DIG NW Centre meeting on the 13th. October and this time the speakers are Ann and Steve Toon and their talk will be about “Taking your wild life photography to the next level.   The meeting will be…

2019 L&CPU PDI Club Knockout Competition

The L&CPU will be holding their 2019 PDI Club Knockout Competition on 16th November 2019 at Elm-Bank Banqueting & Conference Centre.  This is a fun competition night with a serious side.  The winning club and, author of the winning image…

George Bamby visits Chapel Camera Club

Celebrity Paparazzi Photographer George Bamby visits Chapel Camera Club      18th Sept 2019 Chapel-en-le-frith Golf Club, High Peak 8pm.   All welcome – non-members £5   George Bamby shares the seedy, intimate and often hilarious secrets of his huge…

ICPA Annual Lecture at Chorley PS

Monday evening is the Inter-Club Photographic Alliance (ICPA) Annual Lecture, hosted by Chorley PS. This year and our guest speaker will be Alex Benyan. Alex is a professional photographer, educator and speaker based in Leicester and a Principal Photographer for…

Rochdale Photographic Society Annual Exhibition

Rochdale’s Annual Exhibition runs for two weeks, starting this Saturday 31st August at the Coach House, Littleborough. Parking: If you can’t find a spot in the car park, there are a number of side streets where you should be able…

Oldham Camera Club’s Monochrome Print Competition

All L&CPU member clubs are cordially invited to enter Oldham Camera Club’s annual Invitation Monochrome Print Competition,  which will take place on Thursday 17th October 2019 at St Thomas Church,  St Thomas Circle, Oldham OL8 1SF. The competition will be…

Chester PS New Season & Exhibition

Chester Photographic Society starts the new season at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3rd September 2019  at the Grosvenor Museum, Chester.Colin Jarvis MA PHOTO, FD PHOTO, PGCE, ARPS will be presenting MONO MOODS. Visitors most welcome at any talks – £5 on the door . …

Lytham St.Annes Photo Society Exhibition

Lytham St. Annes Photographic Society is pleased to announce that their 70th annual exhibition ‘Photoshow’ is being held between Saturday 3rd Aug and Saturday 17th Aug 2019 at the Drive Methodist Church Halls, East Bank Road, St. Annes, FY8 1ND.…