Annual Individuals Competition 2024

You are cordially invited to prepare and submit your entries for the Annual Individuals Competition

This competition is held ‘in camera’ and is not open for audience viewing.

This is the L&CPU Annual event, where all club members are invited to choose and enter their images, in the following sections:

There are two categories in this section – Open (which includes colour & monochrome) and Nature.

There are three categories in this section – Open Monochrome, Open Colour and Nature

Can I please request that prints be collated and then submitted by your club competition secretary or another person in identifiable club print boxes; otherwise, the team sorting the prints have to try and manage individual print boxes and ensure that the correct prints go into the correct boxes – which can cause confusion

Summary of key dates:

Online entry for all sections
Saturday 30 March 2024
Saturday 4 May 2024
PrintsDrop off point information will be sent to your Club Competition Secretaries