June 18th 2023 at CADWA Liverpool
The Club room was fuller than usual. New and old faces from Ellesmere Port, Southport, Hoylake, St Helens and Maghull met together at CADWA, together with members of South Liverpool.
The competition comprised 10 prints from each club. All 60 had previously been doing the rounds with each club arranging their own judging evening. This was the 6th and final round. Our judge – Martin Pickles.
In the nail-biting climax, the high scorers go back on the screen. The winning shot, by Robert Devenish of Hoylake, soared to first place on the wings of a beautiful, ‘Female Linnet’. Well done Robert! Second and third places went to ‘Scarce Silver Lines’ and ‘Solitude’, both by Trevor Davenport of Southport.
In this year’s competition, the ranked order of competitors was:
1st place – Southport – winners of the Inter-Mersey Trophy.
2nd and 3rd equal – Hoylake and South Liverpool
4th place – Maghull
5th place – St Helens
6th place – Ellesmere Port.
The origins of the Inter-Mersey predated 1984 when David Worthington joined SLPS. Bernie Martin had helped David Worthington with his photography, but Bernie sadly died in 1997. His estate fully funded a trophy in his memory, designed and constructed by David, together with Noel Greenwood and Mike MacDonnell. Thus began a new competition with a new trophy, based in South Liverpool.
Our most grateful thanks to all participants and judges.
Derek Gould – 23rd May 2023