The L&CPU Individual competition has been cancelled for this current year, much to the disappointment of both the Executive and clubs.
The Awards for Photographic Merit originally scheduled for April has been postponed to early August. If it does go ahead then, it will be closed to an audience. Hopefully the November adjudication will run as intended.
As Warwick University has closed its facilities, Warwick will not be held this year.
The PAGB Inter Fed (hosted this year by the L&CPU) has also been cancelled. Again it is intended to run it in 2021.
Whether the Inter Club Print Championship, held in Blackburn in October is going ahead is unclear at the moment.
More details on the above will be published as soon as we know the situation.
The next L&CPU Executive meeting (via Zoom!) is scheduled for mid-May. At which point we may have had further clarification from the Government and some tentative decisions can be made about future events and activities.
Above all, keep well and stay safe, but keep your camera exercised!