Warrington P.S. win the 2019 Knockout competition held on 16th November. NORTH CHESHIRE PS, Nantwich CC and CHORLEY PS came equal second. The full results can be seen here
Gordon Mills from Warrington PS was awarded best image in competition with image entitled “Snowy Egret with Fish”.
30 clubs entered this year’s competition, which was a little disappointing as this is the smallest entry for some time.
However having only 30 clubs in the mix, we could use the five images from each club; giving 150 images to put before the judge.
Our thanks go to Malcolm Kus ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP/b from the Northern Counties Photographic Federation, he once again did a great job for us, injecting humour along with his critique and comments of each image. All of which was well received, and enjoyed by all.
It was very gratifying to welcome 48 members from 19 federated clubs all enjoying an evening of good company and great competition.
Bob Robinson
L&CPU Competition Secretary