Margaret Suddaby
Mrs Margaret Suddaby LRPS CPAGB, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on February 7th, 2016. Margaret was an Honorary Life Member of Southport Photographic Society, a society she served tirelessly and in many capacities before she, and her husband, Keith, relocated to Morpeth, Northumberland to be closer to their immediate family.
It was Margaret who initially persuaded Keith to join Southport P.S. as an outlet for his photography following retirement. Margaret soon joined too, and quickly took over the kitchen, which – apart from making the essential tea and coffee – became a kind of “Mother Confessor” area where she served out equal measures of help, advice, encouragement and enthusiasm, and always with a smile.
Margaret was a very competent photographer with a good eye. She was awarded LRPS at the first assessment to take place outside of Bath – at an open day in Lancaster; and she soon achieved CPAGB and was added to the L & CPU Judges list. She was a popular judge who assessed images with a knowing eye, objectivity and wisdom, and always with kindness.
As a retired teacher, she started “Snappers” at her former school. Snappers became a large group of keen children who were encouraged in their photographic interests with advice and talks. From this the Young Photographers Exhibition grew as part of the annual Southport P.S. Open and Members exhibition; and it is still going strong to this day.
Margaret was elected president of Southport Photographic Society in 2002/03 and was an active committee member for many years. She served as Exhibition Coordinator for the Southport Open and prepared and presented the exhibition slides at many venues throughout the north-west.
When Keith was elected president of the L & CPU, he committed to visiting all the one hundred or so members clubs during his presidency – often accompanied by Margaret in a cheerful supporting role. Similarly, when Keith became Vice-President of the Royal Photographic Society, she was an invaluable help, arranging and catering for “Open House” meetings and annual “Tea Parties” at their home in Hartley Crescent; in fact, Hartley Crescent became a centre for all things photographic with a warm welcome, home made cakes and a good cup of tea. And, in addition to all this, Margaret was studying German and working towards a degree. She got a first!
With her deep love for people – especially Keith and their family – her enthusiasm, her knowledge and her unstinting service to the community, Margaret will be very sadly missed. Her passing was untimely and photography has lost a faithful servant and a friend.
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE4*