Category: News and Events


‘My Prayer’ by Christine Dickinson
‘My Prayer’ by Christine Dickinson

The Annual Knockout was held tonight – 21st November – via Zoom. 

Our thanks go to Mike Sharples MPABG ARPS EFIAP ABPE who did a fantastic job judging the entry.  It was gratifying to welcome over 150 club members to join us to enjoy an evening of excellent images and judging

Ormskirk CC present Simon Van-Orden

On Thursday 19th November 2020, Ormskirk Camera Club will extend a warm welcome to Simon Van-Orden with his talk ‘Chasing the Lights’.

Ken Payne at Ormskirk Camera Club

On Thursday 19th November 2020, Ormskirk Camera Club will extend a warm welcome to Ken Payne with his talk ‘Macro and Close-up Flower Photography’.

Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP AT Frodsham & District P.S.

Frodsham & District Photographic Society’s next presentation evening on 16 November brings us Wiltshire-based professional photographer Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP through the magic of Zoom.

Chester PS on Zoom

Chester PS will be holding all meetings for the forthcoming season online using zoom. A variety of speakers have been booked, starting with leading Food Photographer Jonathan Thompson on 8th September. Visitors are welcome to book individual talks in advance…

Joan Blease at Southport Photographic Society

We open the season on Monday 21st September 2020 with President’s Night, featuring Joan Blease FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/b Many of you will know Joan, who is based in the North West and is a very talented digital artist and photographer.…

Print folios suspended

Today, Folio Secretary Keith Richardson suspended the print folios due to the number of clubs that have now closed down for the rest of the 2019/20 season because of the coronavirus threat. The committee are now discussing the viability of…

Coronavirus and clubs

We’ve been asked if we are going to publish any guidance on coronavirus, and at this point in time, the answer is ‘no’. The L&CPU Exec are no experts when it comes to viruses, and are following government advice which…

Cancelled: Nantwich Camera Club – Annual Special Lecture

Due to the current outbreak of coronavirus, this event has been cancelled. Award wildlife photographer and author, Paul Hobson, to speak at Nantwich Camera Club Event Acclaimed wildlife photographer Paul Hobson will be delivering the Nantwich Camera Club annual ‘special’…