Category: Club News

Peter Gennard at Ormskirk

Peter Gennard will be attending in person to present his print talk entitled ‘PG Tips…Latest Brew’ at the Guide Hut on Thursday 14th April at 8pm Peter is a superb print worker and is very highly regarded. Visitors to our club…


Kylie -Ann Martin EFIAP,BPE2,CPAGB,LDPS will zoom in from Sutton Coldfield on Thursday 31st March at 8pm. She will  take us from her first image in 2006/7 providing us a brief explanation of her health restrictions and how it impacts on her…

Bury PS SIG Exhibition of Sports Images

Bury PS logo

BURY PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY SPORTS SIG (SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP) Exhibition of Sports Images from Feb 26th to May 20th 2022 Wex Photo and Video, Downing St. Industrial Estate, Carlton Place, Manchester M12 6HH This exhibition is a sample of five years’…

Ormskirk CC Present Joe Houghton

My Journey in Street Photography In this talk Joe takes a walk through his personal journey discovering Street Photography, discussing craft, kit and influences, and the creation of his book “Streets of Dublin”. Liberally illustrated throughout with images from his…

Sale PS present Mark Sissons

Mark Sisson

Sale Photographic Society present Mark Sissons Internationally Acclaimed Natural History Photographer Thursday 18th November 2021 “Wild Islands: The Nature of The Falklands” Venue: St Mary’s Church Centre, Moss Lane, Sale Cheshire M33 6GD One the foremost Natural History Photographers in…

Sale PS present Mike Lane – ‘A Digital Lane’

Sale Photographic Society have the renowned Natural History photographer Mike Lane coming to entertain us on Thursday the 11th November 2021, with his enthralling talk entitled: “A Digital Lane” and would like to extend an invitation to you and your…

Ormskirk C C present Kevin Pigney on Wildlife Photography

Ormskirk Camera Club invite you to join them on Thursday 18th November either online or in person at the Guide hut in Moorgate Ormskirk L39 4RX for a presentation by Kevin Pigney on wildlife photography. Visitors are welcome at a cost…

Frodsham & District PS – Keith Snell on whether photography can be considered as ‘fine art’

Frodsham & District Photographic Society invites you to join us online on Monday 8 November when Keith Snell will address the age-old question of whether photography can be considered as ‘fine art’. Visitors are very welcome – tickets price £5…

Frodsham DPS presents Nigel Forster – ‘Cityscapes and Contemporary Architecture’

Frodsham & District Photographic Society invites you to join them on Monday 18 October to hear Nigel Forster’s online talk on ‘Cityscapes and Contemporary Architecture’. Nigel is a professional landscape and architectural photographer with a background in landscape and urban…

Arthur Bower ARPS 12th August 1932 – 25th August 2021

 It is with great sadness that I have to inform you off the passing of Arthur Bower ARPS

Arthur joined Heswall Photographic Society in 1964, together with Marjorie his wife of many years. This was just after the Society was formed in 1963 and Arthur had been an ardent supporter ever since – “like the bedrock of the Society” as a fellow member said recently. He was a regular attender at meetings and noted for his enthusiasm for the prize draws which he very generously supported. He was twice President of the Society, the first time in 1968 – 1969, and then for a further two seasons in 2004 – 2005, and 2005 – 2006. For many years Arthur had been the auditor of the Society’s accounts and very kindly had agreed to continue in that role for a further season.

Such was Arthur’s expertise as a photographer that he readily aquired Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society. He had a passion for monochrome film photography and darkroom work, though in later years he became skilful in digital photography too. He produced outstanding prints, mainly of architectural record images or of mountain peaks, with a distinctive style that fellow members came to recognise and applaud. His images would always stand him in good stead in the Society’s competitions leading to many awards including as recently as last season with one of his innovative digital images.