Category: Competitions

DPI Knockout 2016 results: Win for Chorley!

Chorley PS win L&CPU Digital Slide Knockout 2016

Chorley PS win L&CPU Digital Slide Knockout 2016 – Jane Lines collects the trophy from Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/p

Chorley P.S. win the 2016 Knockout competition held on 19th November Preston P.S. and The Evolve Group came equal second.

Martin Jump from Preston P.S won best in competition with his image entitled Starling Squabble.

45 clubs entered this year’s competition making this the largest entry ever.

Having so many clubs in the mix, we could only use the first four images from each club; this gave 180 images in total put before the judge.

The Great Northern Audio Visual Festival 2016

gnfThe Great Northern Audio Visual Festival Weekend takes place from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th December at the Hough End Conference Centre just off the end of the M56 and close to the M60 orbital motorway in the south of Manchester.

On the Friday at 7.30pm we are pleased to present ‘An Evening with Ashley Franklin’ .

Ashley’s voice will be instantly recognisable to anyone who attended the Royal Photographic Society’s National Audio Visual Championships in 2015 as he narrated the Introductory Sequence. His voice has also been heard on many well know AV’s.

Wigan 10 win PAGB Annual Inter Club PDI Championship!

PAGB Annual Inter Club PDI Championship

The PAGB held its Annual Inter Club PDI Championship at The University of Warwick on Saturday 16th July. Wigan 10 took first place with Chorley PS in 3rd place. Congratulations and well done to them both. It was an excellent day providing the opportunity to see many stunning images for an audience of some 350 people.

Wigan 10 member Rob Millin said, “Great event with so many fantastic images on display and the L&CPU again shining through……….. !! The PAGB sure know how to run this event and it is with no small thanks to our own Exec members who also work so tirelessly for the PAGB.”

PAGB win 33rd FIAP Mono Print Biennial – with L&CPU help!

33rd FIAP Mono Print Biennial

33rd FIAP Mono Print Biennial winning entry

The PAGB has won the 33rd FIAP Mono Print Biennial with a selection of sports images – including several from L&CPU members. As yet, no further details are available, we’ll publish them when we get them. In the meantime, click on the photo to see an enlarged version of the winning entry.

SONY PAGB Inter-Federation Competitions – Results Update

pagb_logo_smallWe now have the full results of the SONY PAGB Inter-Federation Competitions. As well as scoring two joint-firsts, a second and a joint third in the competitions, the following L&CPU club members gained awards:

PAGB Ribbon – Open Colour Print – Adrian Lines MPAGB FBPE EFIAP of Chorley PS with ‘In the Wars’

PAGB Ribbon – Open PDI – Phil Barber of Wigan 10 Foto Club with ‘King of the Gypsys’, and Christine Widdall MPAGB FBPE of Oldham PS with ‘Michael’

Open Mono Print: Ross McKelvey’s Silver Medal goes to Phil Barber of Wigan 10 Foto Club, for ‘Ironman’

PAGB Ribbon – Nature PDI – Ian Whiston DPAGB of Crewe PS, for Cheetah watching over cubs’.

PAGB call for entries for the 2016 FIAP Mono Print Biennial Comp

PAGB FIAP Mono SelectionThe PAGB will be carrying out a selection process to determine our entry into the FIAP 2016 Monochrome Print Biennial Competition.
This is a themed entry of 10 Images, with no more than one print per
author. As well as selecting from images provided to FIAP as part of Distinction submissions, we would like to invite photographers to submit their best images on a theme.