At today’s AGM, we welcomed Ian Aldcroft as our new President of the L&CPU. Ian has served as Vice President, supporting Garth Tighe for the last 2 years as well as managing the L&CPU Website. In addition to a new president, there a number of other changes on Executive Committee with Gordon Jenkins retiring as Treasurer to become an ‘ordinary’ member of the committee and Jon Allanson and Norman Thompson both retiring from the committee. In his first address as President, Ian thanked Gordon, Jon and Norman for their dedication and hard work over the years and noting the positive contribution they have made to the L&CPU and photography in the region.
The full L&PCU Executing Committee for 2018/19 is now as follows:
- President: Ian Aldcroft
- Immediate Past President: Garth Tighe CPAGB
- Vice President: Bob Robinson
- General Secretary: Adrian Lines MPAGB ARPS FBPE
- Treasurer: Rob Hockney
- Competition Secretary: Bob Robinson
- Judges & Lecturers Secretary: Jane Lines MPAGB LRPS BPE5
- Mentoring Secretary: Christine Widdall MPAGB FBPE EFIAP
- PAGB Executive Member: Adrian Lines MPAGB ARPS FBPE
- PAGB Awards Officer: Christine Widdall MPAGB FBPE EFIAP
- Folio Secretary: Keith Richardson BPE2
- Exhibition Secretary: James Hardy
- Minutes Secretary: Wendy Monaghan
- Website and Publicity Secretary: Will Stead CPAGB AFIAP
- AV Competition Secretary: John Smith APAGB CPAGB
- Ordinary Member: Gordon Jenkins APAGB