Category: L&CPU News

Young Photographer of the Year 2018

We are proud to announce the L&CPU Young Photographer of the Year is Sky Caskey from Chorley PS. In the competition, the best two scoring images of three are used to calculate the final score and each of Sky’s three…

L&CPU Annual Club Print Competition Results

Just like the Digital Competition a few weeks ago, the L&CPU Annual Print Digital Competition once again demonstrated the outstanding quality of photography in the federation. Judged by Phil Charnock FRPS MSIAP, Gwen Charnock FRPS MSIAP and Dianne Owen FRPS, top clubs are as…

Gordon Jenkins receives J. S. Lancaster Medal.

Gordon Jenkins was awarded the J. S. Lancaster Medal at the PAGB AGM at the weekend in recognition for his exceptional service to the PAGB over many years. The Award, instituted in 1998, is named after the person who proposed…

Annual Clubs Digital Competition – In Pictures

Following on from the results of yesterday’s competition (here), there were just five images that scored the maximum of 15 and these were: Commenting upon the day, President of the L&CPU, Ian Aldcroft, said, “A big thank you to all…

L&CPU Annual Club Digital Competition Results

The L&CPU Annual Club Digital Competition once again demonstrated the outstanding quality of photography in the federation. After a hard day of judging by Phil Charnock FRPS MSIAP, Gwen Charnock FRPS MSIAP and Dianne Owen FRPS, top clubs are as follows:  Colour 1st: Chorley…

2018 L&CPU Annual Individual Competition

Over the weekend of 19th/20th May, we will be judging The L&CPU Annual Individual Print and Projected Image and Young Photographer of the Year Competitions. Competition  Rules and entry information can be found here. Drop off points for entries are…

Henry Mullarkey Enters the L&CPU Roll of Honour.

At the recent L&CPU AGM, Henry Mullarkey was enrolled onto the Roll of Honour by the retiring President, Garth Tighe. Henry has been a long-standing member of the L&CPU Executive Committee and served as President in 2012 and 2013. In…

L&CPU Welcomes its New President

At today’s AGM, we welcomed Ian Aldcroft as our new President of the L&CPU. Ian has served as Vice President, supporting Garth Tighe for the last 2 years as well as managing the L&CPU Website. In addition to a new…

Bill Edwards: Obituary

Everyone was shocked to hear the news of the recent sudden death of Bill Edwards. Bill was a long-time member of Altrincham & Hale P S for over 30 years. During this time, he occupied a number of key positions,…

An announcement: Bill Edwards CPAGB

We regret to announce that Bill Edwards – L&CPU Executive and Altrincham and Hale P.S. club member – passed away suddenly on Tuesday 3rd of October. Bill’s funeral is on Friday 20th at 10.00 am, Manchester Crematorium, Southern Cemetery. Our…