Joan Blease at Southport Photographic Society

We open the season on Monday 21st September 2020 with President’s Night, featuring Joan Blease FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/b

Many of you will know Joan, who is based in the North West and is a very talented digital artist and photographer. She has gained many awards (including Gold Medals and Best of Show) both in International and UK Exhibitions. She is also a highly respected PAGB judge, judging National Competitions. Joan only gives a few talks every year and we are delighted to welcome Joan to SPS. Her talk is entitled: Bad Start, Great Finish

We extend a warm welcome to all for what will prove to be a fabulous evening with a fabulous lady. Meeting starts at 7.45pm Shopping basket opening soon! via our website where tickets will be available for non members/guests. £4 payable via paypal.— you will receive a link by email to join the zoom meeting.

Hope to see you there!
Margaret Powley CPAGB President SPS