The L&CPU would like to extend an invitation to members of all clubs and friends to the opening of its exhibition and presentation of awards. The event will take place on Saturday 27th July, 2024 at Leigh Spinners Mill, Park Lane,…
Category: L&CPU
PAGB Inter-Federation Print Exhibition Now Open
The PAGB Inter-Federation Print Exhibition is now open at the Leigh Spinners Mill from 10 am to 4 pm daily until July 20th. Admission is free. The exhibition features over 150 prints from club photographers from all four corners of…
Advisory day for the PAGB awards and Mock Adjudication
Register for Advisory Day for the PAGB awards and Mock Adjudication We are going to run a mock adjudication/advisory day for the PAGB awards on Sunday 11th June 2023 from 10 am – 4 pm at: The Barton SuiteElm Bank Masonic…
Clubs who have still to complete their Annual Returns – deadline 31st October!
Accrington, Atherton, Bispham, Bolton and District, Bacup, Colne, Darwen, Evolve, Grange, Leigh, Lancaster, Macclesfield, Middleton, Oldham CC, Ormskirk, Preston, Rochdale PS, Rochdale and District, Roby Mill, Southe Liverpool, Southern, Stalybridge, Ulverston, Warrington and District, Warrington PS, Wilmslow Guild.
If your club is on this list, please give your treasurer’s elbow a jog!
Big Day of Photography – Update
October 9th Leigh Spinners Mill 10am to 4pm A quick reminder that tickets are still available, but in limited supply! Information with regard to booking is on the L&CPU website. Access all areas tickets are £15, £0 if you are…
Big Day of Photography
Incorporating the Bob Robinson Trophy Tickets are now available for the Big Day of Photography. Tickets are £15 per person and can be booked via the Information Portal (you’ll find the link button just underneath the pictures at the top…
Big Day of Photography
Incorporating the Bob Robinson Trophy You’ve had the tasters, heard the news, well, here’s the details! We’ve had Big Days before but this one is different – BRING YOUR CAMERA! Date: 9th October 2022 Time: 10 am to 4pm (approx.)…
Advisory Day & Mock Adjudication for the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit
Annual Audio Visual competition 2021
The first L&CPU event on the calendar takes place next Saturday and it isthe Annual Audio Visual competition. This is your opportunity to see and enjoy some of the best AV sequences from members of L&CPU clubs. This year we…
To all the Federated Clubs and their Members in the L&CPU

On behalf of the Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union Executive, I would like to wish all photographers in the Federated clubs a very Happy New Year. Not that it is sounding too good at the moment, but I think a positive spin helps us look forward to better days when we can get out and about with our cameras again and be able to meet up with others.